Monday, January 21, 2008

Week 3

I wonder if I was too ambitious in some of my goals. We're almost 6% of the year already. Wow.

We tried a new restaurant recently, called "Oh Ryan" in Auburn. Diner-style. We had some big breakfasts. Was a little pricey, but there was lots of food.

I'm ahead on book reading, it should be interesting to see how many I do end up reading this year. I'm looking forward to the summer months when I can sit on the back porch and read.

And I'm ahead on most of my exercising. I'm lagging in walking, but that will improve as well when the weather gets better. It's supposed to remain below 40 all day tomorrow. That's rough considering I usually don't walk when it's under 40. Supposedly it's 34 outside, but that it feels more like mid-to-low 20s. My weight loss has also mostly disappeared. It'll pick up. I have been better, but I think it was the past few days of not exercising much that kind of hurt. Going back to work tomorrow will put out of reach of all of the crackers in the pantry here that I grazed on all weekend.

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